2013-14 Artisans Market, Charlottesville, VA
2013 Artist’s Salon, Charlottesville, VA
2011 Artist’s Salon, Charlottesville, VA
2008 McGuffey Art Center, Charlottesville, VA
2007 McGuffey Art Center, Charlottesville, VA
2006 McGuffey Art Center, Charlottesville, VA
2003 State Capitol, Richmond, Virginia, Office of Del. M. Van Yahres
2003 Nature Gallery, Charlottesville, VA
2003 Regional Chamber of Commerce, Charlottesville, VA
2002 Downtown Gallery, Charlottesville, VA
2002 City Center Gallery, Charlottesville, VA
1998 Offices of U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone, St. Paul, MN
1993 Edina Art Center, Faculty Show, St. Paul, MN
1992 Augsburg College, Food Show, St. Paul, MN
1991 Edina Art Center (Juried show, 1st place award), Edina, MN August
1991 Breck School, Minneapolis, MN April
1991 Augsburg College, St. Paul, MN March (Mother Earth)
1990 Bloomington Art Center Juried Show, Bloomington, MN
1990 Minnesota Artists' Association Juried Show, St. Paul, MN
1990 Augsburg College, St. Paul, MN September
1990 Edina Art Center, Edina, MN
1989 Albertus Magnus College, St. Paul, MN
1989 South Central Community College, New Haven, CT
1988 Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
1988 Paier College of Art, Hamden, CT
1987 Hebrew Home for the Aged (Women in Art Festival), New Haven, CT
1986 West Hartford Public Library, CT
1985 Woodbridge Public Library, CT
1985 New Haven Brush and Palette Club, CT (Juror's Award)
1983 Gallery On The Cam, Cambridge, England
1983 Castle Hill Gallery, Cambridge, England
1983 Heffer's Art Gallery, Cambridge, England
1982 Cambridge Art Association, MA
1981 Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, MA (Juror's Award)
1981 Cambridge Art Association, MA
1980 School Of The Museum Of Fine Arts, Boston
1978 Gutman Library, Harvard University, MA
1978 Boston Common Art Festival, MA
1976 Boston Center For Adult Education, MA
1973 Greene Associates, Architects, Baltimore, MD
1969-70 Goucher College, Towson, MD
Previously represented by:
J. Michael Gallery, Edina, MN
Edina Art Center
WARM (Women’s Art Registry of MN) Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Tatum Gallery, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Paul Vallotton Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland